Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Ritual is real, just as same money is real...
Young ladies who likes money too much and run after rich old men and rich young men, honestly can be tricked or fooled with money.
See let me break it down in context! Not every young guy you meet who is rich, that has money, actually had money from the right source! Note that.
Even men also ought to be careful of old friends who suddenly became rich in a twinkle of an eye.. same applies to women.

  •  You don't just get rich in a blink of an eye, unless you won a lottery, that is why it is good for a woman to start from the root with her husband before growing leafs and bearing much fruits. Then by that, u will be very confident of your husband's wealth!

There is this particular friend whom I had known for a very long time, this friend just got my number from someone, and he called me oneday, haven received his call, we spoke for a while, and suddenly he shouted on the phone 'This herberlist man is really a stupid man, he gave me fake charm" I heard that word and was flabbergasted, I became very silent, but he said to me,  " please don't worry, I will call you back!" I said okk!!! No problem.... And immediately I said that, I hanged up the phone.
In this scenario, looking at an old friend, this person was an old friend whom I have known for a very long time and has changed from what I used to know him. I try to be cautious of such freind. in most cases cause I try to reaccess such friend, immediately after the call I was cautious of him...
So in this context as a person we need to understand that, not every old friends, not also every calm, rich, good looking, decent, people who call God's name, even Jesus name or people who go to church every Sunday, are actually pure... Please you have to take caution! And observe.
 Any old or new friend who have started to act untrustworthy please be cautious or keep away!
Any friend who is into phonographics please keep away from such friend! If you can't convince him to stop. Remember 'If you are not influencing your friend, your friend will be influencing you'
So in this context, be careful of the person you move and associate with. And don't run after men because of wealth!
Use your common sense.
Despite Jesus is protecting you, Jesus also wants you to think very smart with the knowledge of his word!
Let us be careful... It is better to pass through hard times to become rich than following a rich person who became rich just in the twinkle of an eye.
If You want to live in comfort, then work hard for it, don't be a lazy woman who is after already made men!
Live in contentment and be happy with your life.
You will definitely know the true men who is for you and know their priorities... You can't know them just in one day.., it takes time.., it takes time with them! Patience, loyalty and endurance.
Some ladies could be very undisciplined!
They have a relationship, they have other guys they are dating outside of relationship, yet they are not contented and they pretend to be a saint like nothing is actually happening or going wrong them, while they sleep around and have sexual relationship with other men for money or pleasure. Those acts are not good and Godly! That is why as a young man who is still single, and looking forward to getting married, has to pray very well...
I mean praying really hard!
I mean real prayer.... Not thank you Jesus, Real prayer, I mean solid prayer!
Like the old gray hair women I have once met in my life said, " it's not always safe to marry someone who is not meant for you."
Anytime I think about the word and why the old gray hair woman said 'it is not always safe',  I could understand in comprehensive that it means the wrong person you get married to, could likewise determine your downfall or level of problem in this sinful world but we know  God in his infinite mercy will surely keep you standing from falling as a believer!
That reminds me of Samson in the bible: Although Samson was a great man of God, he was powerful, he was God's chosen but Samson started having problem when the wrong woman came into his life. He thought he had found a compassionate but not knowing to him that he has gotten married to wrong woman, a problem! So as a man, carefulness must be taken, not to get married to Delilah!
Trust in God, pray!!!!, and watch carefully!
Carefulness must be taken not to get married to that wrong man, or wrong woman. watch!!!! Pray!!!!! Discern!!!!!!!!
And you are good to go!!!! May God give you the supernatural grace to choose rightly.

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