Friday, November 16, 2018

What is the motive of giving and donating to your church pastors!!!

Giving is good, but it is not of compulsion, it should be of choice. You should not be forced to give what you don't have! Give basically on your freewill, 'giving generously'. Don't give what you will later regret. Whatever you give, let it come from your heart! To give to bribe people or earn favour from your pastor is a wrong motive of giving.
 So basically give because it is good to give and it is your nature to give to people, always do good to people generally even people who are not of your faith you meet outside, always give to them.
Don't give what will make you go in lack and make you grudge over; except you can bear it and walk through lack, you can sacrifice all at once.
Don't give all you have to a pastor who is rich while you are still struggling to meet your daily needs or finding it hard to take care of your own needs..
God is not unjust! When a pastor is rich, he ought to be giving the poor people in his church and to the outsiders, instead of collecting more from them. Paul even said, blessed to give than receiving.
We can't compare those days with this days, as at the time of the apostles, people giving couldn't make pastors rich, hardly will people disburse huge amount of money worth of $30,000...Just imagine Paul or timothy was offered such amount of money, then do you think Paul will still think of working or do part time job or be in lack?, likewise as bishop Timothy?  True! We know pastors were given money in those days, but the giving to the pastors did not make them rich! If Bishop are to be rich through their congregation, Timothy should have been so rich like Abraham or Isaac... But *note all this people were financially poor.
Blessed members with cool money, give to your pastor by treating them well, support the work of the ministry if necessary, this is what I have always done several times but don't give what you will regret. For example selling your hospital to give to a rich pastor is not a good idea except you have intention to help poor congregation! or Poor members.
Only reason why you could sacrifice is perhaps when there is pressure need of the church towards the purpose of the ministry. Perhaps it is not a wise advice to do that!
My emphasis is that, don't sacrifice what you will later regret. It is not a law, or compulsory thing to do, do it with love and generosity of the heart. Giving should majorly focus on the poor not on the rich. A pastor who is rich shouldn't be given to again. The money should be diverted to the poor people or poor menbers. If a pastor can successful own two private jets why are you still giving to such pastor, divert the money to the poor people Please! Divert it to a poor pastors Please!
 Let the money or offering or giving be going to the widows, orphans, motherless homes, poor believers among you, let it go for charity, setting up programs in knowledge of the ministry not buying extra private jet. Giving to the poor is part of ministry to and there is reward in heaven for that.
  When a pastor can successfully own a private jet and you are still giving to the pastor, it is unfair and unjust, Its not biblical!
Lets look at the example of Jesus.
 Did Jesus give to the poor?
Did he make a law offering?
What did Jesus said about giving?
To whom should be given to?
Did Jesus ever said rich pastors?
Was Paul rich?
Was Timothy rich?
What of Peter ?
Jude ?
John ?
Infact Paul laboured and give to the poor even in his struggles?
 Paul said peter also acknowledged the poor or needy are to be considered for help?
What of Collection of the saints, how was it made? And For what purpose?
The sacrifice they made in the book of Acts was for what purpose? To the rich pastors account or poor church members?

Giving is good but it is meant for the poor and needy, people in lack. 'Someone who is rich already doesn't really need your money!
 Pastor who is not in lack shouldn't be given by the contributions of his millions members! Pastors should always learn to be contented with what they have and when they have enough and stop looking for more money! You could say I was harsh on this topic, but that's the TRUTH and FACT! read your bible in context!
Thank you!

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